Inspirations: Lynda Carter


Wow, where to begin. Like most teenagers in the 70’s, my first exposure to Lynda Carter was on Wonder Woman.  Friday nights were spent glued to the TV.

Lynda Carter
An iconic smile…

One of the key elements of the Wonder Woman TV series was how Carter portrayed the heroine.  Strong and independent.  This was during a time when concepts like “equality and empowerment for women” were considered taboo by network execs and the media.  I sometimes wonder if the media attention her costume generated was simply a smokescreen to try to hide the more controversial social issues the show was presenting.

Lynda played Wonder Woman as both a superhero and a real woman.  Strong, yet still feminine, full of grace, but still able to have fun. Her look was stunning. You could spend forever swimming in those eyes. Her smile was as bright and clear as the first day of spring. Yet she was still approachable and genuine.  And this was in the decadent days of the Studio 54 era, so that was even more unheard of.

Lynda exuded a charisma that went far beyond a spandex suit and laid the groundwork for not only strong women leads in television dramas, but would inspire a new generation of female writers and producers.

When I began the Suzi Quazar project, my wife encouraged me to look to the elements that had captured the imagination of my youth.   I knew I wanted to present a strong and capable heroine in Suzi, but I didn’t want her to be perfect.  While Wonder Woman possessed super strength and other powers, more often than not she solved problems with her intelligence and compassion, not her fists.  That was the mold I wanted to cast Suzi from.  After that, Suzi just started writing her own story.

Lynda inspired character concept


I had created some concept art that was inspired by Lynda.

I hope to get to use her one day.

I would love to create some adventures for this firecracker.


Lynda is still entertaining countless fans across the world with her music.  Check out her website at Lynda Carter Sings.  I would love to hear her take on some more old Motown tunes.  It’s almost unfair that someone so absolutely gorgeous could have such a silky voice.

I think it’s a testament to Lynda’s spirit and vision that she was able to take a role that had been primed to become a hyper-sexualized money machine and turn it an iconic statement for respect and equality.
And to do it with with charm, grace and a smile that could change minds and change the world.

Lynda Carter
Timeless elegance

Here is a link to one of my favorite songs from her 1978 album Portrait.
I wish I still had this record…
You can get more of her music here.

all images copyright original copyright holders. used with love and respect!


One response to “Inspirations: Lynda Carter”

  1. william Hernando Guerrero Pérez Avatar
    william Hernando Guerrero Pérez

    olways beautifull

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