Wow, where to begin. Like most teenagers in the 70’s, my first exposure to Lynda Carter was on Wonder Woman. Friday nights were spent glued to the TV.

One of the key elements of the Wonder Woman TV series was how Carter portrayed the heroine. Strong and independent. This was during a time when concepts like “equality and empowerment for women” were considered taboo by network execs and the media. I sometimes wonder if the media attention her costume generated was simply a smokescreen to try to hide the more controversial social issues the show was presenting.
Lynda played Wonder Woman as both a superhero and a real woman. Strong, yet still feminine, full of grace, but still able to have fun. Her look was stunning. You could spend forever swimming in those eyes. Her smile was as bright and clear as the first day of spring. Yet she was still approachable and genuine. And this was in the decadent days of (more…)