Tag: fractals
Sunday Science: Fractals
Fractals are amazing. That something so simple can be so complex. I started using fractals in my art about a decade ago. As I have been working on Suzi, the idea that the universe is one big fractal has been lurking in the back of my mind. As I was doing more study on the nature of fractals this weekend, I came across this article from Space.com about how that idea works, but only to a point.
Go check out this cool fractal article from Space.com and let me know what you think.
Have you played with generating your own fractals? Apophysis 7x is my go to app for creating fractal art, and the best part? It’s free! George Kiehne actively develops Apophsis and has some stunning art on his site, so click the link already and start making your own fantastic fractals!