Mastering Memory: 5 Best Practices for Unity

When developing games in Unity with C#, effective memory management is critical for maintaining smooth gameplay. Though Unity’s garbage collector (GC) automatically handles memory cleanup, poor management of memory can cause spikes in frame rates or performance bottlenecks. Below are five essential practices that will help you reduce GC allocations and optimize your game’s performance.

1. Minimize Dynamic Allocations

Frequent dynamic memory allocation during gameplay, especially inside functions like Update() or LateUpdate(), can lead to performance issues. Every time new objects are allocated in these high-frequency methods, it adds pressure on the GC, causing it to clean up more frequently. This can result in stuttering or frame drops when the GC kicks in to free up memory.

By minimizing these allocations and, where possible, using local variables or reusing objects, you prevent unnecessary memory spikes. For example, instead of creating new vectors each frame, reuse them by defining them as class-level fields that can be updated without allocating new memory.

2. Leverage Object Pooling

Creating and destroying game objects dynamically can be expensive in terms of both CPU and memory usage. Unity’s garbage collector has to manage these allocations, which adds overhead. Object pooling is a widely accepted practice that significantly reduces this load by reusing objects instead of constantly creating and destroying them.

With object pooling, you instantiate a set of objects once and reuse them when needed. For example, in a shooting game, instead of creating and destroying bullet objects every time they are fired, you can keep a pool of bullets and recycle them when necessary. This minimizes memory fragmentation and reduces the frequency of GC invocations, making the gameplay smoother.

3. Pre-allocate Collections

When using arrays, lists, or other collections, it’s important to allocate the required size upfront to avoid constant resizing. Dynamic resizing of collections leads to additional allocations, often triggering the GC to clean up memory more frequently than needed.

In performance-sensitive areas, make sure to allocate the size of the list or array in advance or use fixed-size arrays where possible. For example, if you know you will need a list with 100 elements, pre-allocate that size rather than letting it resize dynamically as elements are added.

4. Avoid Frequent Use of new in Critical Code

While C#’s new keyword is essential for creating new objects, using it too frequently in performance-critical sections can lead to problems. Each time you use new, you’re allocating memory on the heap, which eventually needs to be cleaned by the GC. This becomes an issue during high-intensity gameplay when many objects are created and discarded quickly.

In such cases, consider using structs instead of classes for small, simple data types. Structs are allocated on the stack, which means they do not require garbage collection, reducing the load on the GC.

5. Regularly Profile GC Allocations

To fully understand where memory is being allocated and how often the garbage collector is running, regularly profile your project using Unity’s built-in Profiler or the Memory Profiler package. These tools provide detailed insights into memory allocation patterns and help identify which parts of your code are generating excessive GC pressure.

By analyzing this data, you can refactor areas of your code that trigger frequent memory allocations and GC invocations. Profiling is especially important when optimizing for platforms with limited hardware, like mobile devices or VR systems, where GC-induced frame drops can have a more noticeable impact on user experience.


Memory management in Unity, particularly in a language like C# that relies on garbage collection, can be challenging. However, by following these best practices—minimizing dynamic allocations, using object pooling, pre-allocating collections, avoiding unnecessary object creation, and regularly profiling GC allocations—you can dramatically reduce GC pressure and improve the overall performance of your game. These small optimizations can make the difference between a game that stutters under the weight of GC invocations and one that runs smoothly and responsively across all platforms.

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