Category: Games

  • Infinity Wars anyone?

    I got to playing the F2P TCG Infinity Wars.  I was a huge MtG guy way back when, but when I saw the expansions as a bottomless money pit, I bailed.iwicon

    I play Hearthstone and enjoy it, but the mechanics of this game are very subtle in some areas.  I am liking it so far.  If you play, look for jaheath and we’ll play a match or two…

  • Wildstar!

    I got a free pass to the Wildstar MMO, and it’s growing on me.  I played the beta and liked it, but I didn’t like it enough to spend $50 on.  After getting back on and playing for a few days, the game is starting to grow on me.  I enjoy the stylized, almost cartoonish look of Wildstar (and WoW) better than the realistic looks of Neverwinter and Star Trek Online.  If you play Wildstar, shoot me a note and we can run around go wild.


  • Game stuff!

    I started playing Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft this month.  I didn’t like it at first, but once I read up on the mechanics, it’s growing on me.  I also jumped into League of Legends, my kiddos love that game so I wanted to give it a shot.

    I am also in Star Trek Online and Neverwinter, so if you play any of these games, comment with your name and I will say “Hey!” next time I get on.



  • These are the voyages

    of the Starship Lewaine, it’s ongoing mission: To help me keep my sanity!

    Yes, Suzi is on Star Trek Online.  If you play, drop me a line and we can meet up for some fun and adventure!  I am on the Federation side, and I also have a Romulan I play as well.  I am usually on during the week after 8pm CST, and off and on during the weekend.  It doesn’t cost anything to play, and while the ground missions are kinda repetitive, the space combat is tons of fun.  See you in the stars!
