Category: Cool

  • Knights of Sidonia

    I just ran across this and wondered if anyone has any thoughts.  I love the mecha design callbacks to Macross-ish levels.  Let me know what you think!


  • Suzi Quazar: Grindhouse Style

    I have been working on animating Suzi as a cartoon for some time now.  I’ve got a ton of test footage that I wanted to use for something, so here we are.  I will keep learning and refining, but for now, enjoy!

  • Very interesting

    I don’t normally post trailers on here, but I love this take on Asimov’s 3 laws of robotics. I seem some very interesting parallels to our story 🙂

  • Deathracer!

    I am totally loving this music.  I had no idea that 80’s synth was back and man, it is sweet!  I have this playing in the background while I am doing the prep work to being animating Issue 1.

  • To all our readers

    you rock
    Fact: Our readers rock an average of 62% more than the average human!
  • These are the voyages

    of the Starship Lewaine, it’s ongoing mission: To help me keep my sanity!

    Yes, Suzi is on Star Trek Online.  If you play, drop me a line and we can meet up for some fun and adventure!  I am on the Federation side, and I also have a Romulan I play as well.  I am usually on during the week after 8pm CST, and off and on during the weekend.  It doesn’t cost anything to play, and while the ground missions are kinda repetitive, the space combat is tons of fun.  See you in the stars!


  • Saturday Sounds: Funkadelic

    Whatever you do to unwind on the weekend, I bet this will fit in nicely…

  • BTS: My lovely letterer in action

    So here is the lady that really made Suzi happen.  She lit a creative fire that is burning strong!

    My editor and letterer. She keeps me focused.
  • Sunday Science: Water, water, everywhere

    So it seems that space, that we like to consider a frozen desert, has a lot more water than we first imagined.  Scientist have discovered an ancient lake, deep in space, that could be the oldest reservoir known. But this is no mere lake,it’s so large that it could provide each person on Earth an entire planet’s worth of water—20,000 times over.


    Go check out the article from NASA and let me know what you think.

    Oldest lake discovered
    Artist’s concept illustrates a quasar, surrounded by water vapor.
  • Flying high!

    Things are going great around here.  I have the novelization of Suzi Quazar going, and nice timing for it to coincide with NaNoWriMo.  Double dippin big in here!

    Things are going so well, in fact, I was inspired to whip up a quick mood piece.  I can’t think star-spanning action without thinking Kirby, so here we are!
