Author: J. A. Heath

  • I hate moving!

    So sorry for the lack of updates this week. We are finally in and unpacking the new home.  It’s been a challenge to downsize from a house to a town home, but the new digs are nice. The studio is almost setup and the network is up and running.  Suzi will be back on schedule on Tuesday May 6th.

  • No Suzi today

    We spent the weekend moving, and the internet will be on later today.  I will have a new page up on Thursday the 24th, and we will be back on schedule!

  • So true

    Nothing I can add to this…


  • Explore

    A rough draft of a Suzi trading card.


  • These are the voyages

    of the Starship Lewaine, it’s ongoing mission: To help me keep my sanity!

    Yes, Suzi is on Star Trek Online.  If you play, drop me a line and we can meet up for some fun and adventure!  I am on the Federation side, and I also have a Romulan I play as well.  I am usually on during the week after 8pm CST, and off and on during the weekend.  It doesn’t cost anything to play, and while the ground missions are kinda repetitive, the space combat is tons of fun.  See you in the stars!


  • Saturday Sounds: Funkadelic

    Whatever you do to unwind on the weekend, I bet this will fit in nicely…

  • Sunday Science: Lies!

    The good people over at BuzzFeedPop put together a funny video that shows some of the literary license films take with science. You probably know most of these already, but it’s still a fun little video.


  • BTS: Look at that guy

    The wife has been onto me about opening up more and sharing behind the scenes stuff for Suzi, so no better way than to show off my Issue 1 cover shirt.
