25 cent comics

I keep a blog over at jaheath.com (that I don’t update often enough) and I made a post about 25 cent comics.  To save you a click, the bottom line is that my digital comics are going to be priced at 25 cents.  Yep, a quarter. And no DRM. Of course, the webcomic will still be free, and Issue 1 is free.  Eventually I will put the paper version of the comic up here for sale, but that is still a ways off.  SQ-Issue2_CBR

You are invited to go to the shop and download your preferred format of Issue 1 for free.  I have the Issue 2 cbr available now, and the .mobi and PDF formats are coming this week.

Another cool thing I am working on is the novelization of Suzi’s story.  The initial story of Suzi will be told in 10 issues.  I am writing a novella for each issue that goes into a bit more detail, and those will be priced at 50 cents, with the first story being free.  They will be DRM free epub, mobi, pdf and a special graphic novel cbr version. This is a great time to be a indie creative!


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